Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Need help.

I've gone through this long enough now to see that the direction I'm heading in is, yet again, NOT a good one. I've also gone through it enough times to know that if I can just get going in the right direction, I have a good chance of getting some good results.

Going back to this guy again - he is an incredible model of stability. And recovery. Maybe this is what I am missing...treating this as a recovery from an addiction. I still don't know. But based on some behaviors over the past week, I'm thinking that this is the case.

I am in trouble. I know that I need help.

So I am asking for it.

Anyone who reads this - can you answer these questions:

What made you decide to make changes?
What got you over the "hump" to where the changes were now habits?
Do you have any tips/tricks/advice for someone who is seriously in the throes of addiction?

The first time I lost weight, I think it was the novelty of it all. I followed the Weight Watchers program. Maybe it was because I was going to be weighing in with someone else weekly - they wrote down the numbers. Whatever it was, it just worked.

Until I stopped.

The second time I lost weight, there was a competition at stake. My weight was going to on a big poster where the entire rec center can see. There was also a $1500 prize involved. I followed exactly what my trainer told me to do. It completely worked.

Until I stopped.

I don't have anything like this at the moment - nothing public, no prize, nothing.

So...any ideas?

I've got an inkling, but I would REALLY like some help.




  1. Hi Silas!

    Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. I left you a pretty lengthy reply there. :)

    To answer your questions from here:

    1. out of control blood pressure was what made me make the changes. That was my as close to rock bottom as I dared get.

    2. being consistent in limiting carbs got me over the hump. With a degree in Early Childhood Education, I know that learning is not linear. It's 2 steps forward, one step back...or, another analogy, like a pendulum that swings wildly from side to side before it settles in the middle. I learned how even a tiny amount of sugar triggers brain chemistry changes that sets the cravings in motion, and it takes 3 days of some white knuckling every time I ate sugar to get through before the cravings died off. (my personal experience. Your's might be different.) I kept reminding myself that I didn't gain all the excess weight in a week or a month, so it was going to take at least as long, if not longer, to lose than it did to put it on. That said, once you start losing a few pounds a week, like one does in the beginning, it's the motivation to keep at it.

    3. I answered the question about addiction on my reply comment to you. I suggest professional treatment. It's not something that you should risk to internet 'cures' by people not professionally licensed to offer it. Just my opinion. Treat this issue as carefully and thoughtfully as you would if you were diagnosed with cancer. It can be as deadly.

    I have lost 60-70 lbs. 3 times now. I failed at maintenance the first two times. I'm 2.5 years into this third time, and I've only gained back 10 lbs., but even those 10 made me realize never to get too complacent or cocky about it. I tried abstinence and it works for a while for me, but not permantely. That's why I'm reading the Diet Fix, to try to understand how to use controlled moderation, and see if it will help me.

    For me, it's about health. If we aren't motivated for our own health, nothing anyone says or does will matter. I wish you well.

  2. Gwen,

    Thanks for your well-though-out replies. Both here and on your blog. There's a lot to think about. And a lot of reading, hopefully some of which will be useful. :)

    I'll be visiting your blog often.


  3. Thanks, Silas. I know you can make more lasting change. Sometimes we have to be almost magically in the right place, at the right time. I am hopeful that time is now for you. :)

  4. Hi, Silas - I just stumbled across your blog and have read through several of your posts. I, too, have lost and gained and lost and gained time after time. This time seems to be different:

    First, I focused on health issues, NOT my weight.I was fatigued, depressed, had joint pain and digestive problems, etc.
    Second, I did a sort of sugar/carb detox for 3 weeks (Atkins level super low carb) to break through that carb addiction. Yes, the first few days really suck, but now I'm eating normally from a variety of foods (just avoid sugar and large amounts of carbs)
    The third thing that's helped me is finding and reading several blogs about fitness and weight loss. Reading blogs like yours helps me stay focused and realized I'm not the only person going through the same things.
